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How to Develop Your Intuition and Spiritual Gifts: Tips and Techniques

Do you ever feel like you have a gut feeling or a sense of intuition but you're not quite sure how to tap into it? Or maybe you're interested in developing your spiritual gifts but don't know where to start. These abilities can be developed and strengthened through various practices and exercises.

Understanding Intuition and Spiritual Gifts

Your intuition is a powerful tool that can help you make better decisions and navigate through life. It is often described as a gut feeling or hunch, and it can come in many forms, such as a sudden insight, a feeling of knowing, or a physical sensation. Your intuition is connected to your subconscious mind, which is constantly processing information and making connections that your conscious mind may not be aware of. Intuition is often thought of as a mystical or spiritual phenomenon, but it also has a scientific basis. Your intuition is the result of your brain processing information at a subconscious level and presenting it to you as a feeling or gut instinct.

Spiritual gifts, on the other hand, are abilities that allow you to connect with the spiritual realm and receive guidance from higher beings, such as your higher self or spirit guides. These gifts can include clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, and more. Developing these gifts can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

If you're looking to strengthen your spiritual gifts, there are practical steps you can take to do so. First and foremost, rely on the Creator, the Source of All things, the All that Is, and the power of the Holy Spirit to guide you in your journey. Even the apostle Paul wrote about spiritual gifts of intuition, discernment and healing, among others, in his letters to the church, and his words still hold true today.

It is also important to pay attention to your personality and the way you process information. Some people may be more naturally intuitive or psychic than others, and it is important to honor your unique gifts and abilities. Remember that everyone's journey is different, and there is no right or wrong way to develop your intuition or spiritual gifts.

By practicing some of the things that have helped me, you can strengthen these abilities and connect more deeply with your higher self and spirit guides. Trusting your intuition and embracing your spiritual gifts can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Developing Your Intuition

Developing your intuition is a process that requires patience, practice, and trust. Here are some tips to help you strengthen your intuition:

  • Pay attention to your gut feelings: Your intuition often communicates through your gut feelings or instincts. Learn to recognize and trust these feelings, even if they don't seem to make sense at the time.

  • Practice mindfulness: Being present and aware of your surroundings can help you tune in to your intuition. Try to stay in the present moment and avoid getting distracted by thoughts or worries.

  • Listen to your inner voice: Your intuition often speaks to you through your inner voice or intuition. Learn to listen to this voice and trust the guidance it provides.

  • Develop your senses: Your intuition can also be strengthened by developing your senses. Try to notice and appreciate the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of your environment.

  • Connect with nature: Spending time in nature can help you tune in to your intuition and connect with your spiritual side. Take a walk in the woods, sit by a stream, or simply spend time outside in the fresh air and sunshine.

  • Use visualization: Visualizing positive outcomes can help you tap into your intuition and manifest your desires. Imagine yourself succeeding in your goals and trust that your intuition will guide you towards the right path.

  • Practice meditation: Meditation can help you quiet your mind and tune in to your intuition. Try to meditate for a few minutes each day, focusing on your breath and clearing your mind of distractions.

  • Pay attention to signs and symbols: Your intuition often communicates through signs and symbols. Learn to recognize these messages and trust the guidance they provide.

  • Keep a Spiritual Journal: Write down your dreams, your impressions, and insights. I have trouble retaining anything I have gleaned while in altered consciousness. Sometimes, the wisdom I receive is so profound I tell myself I will remember it, but it always quickly fades. They are like clouds, they dissipate from my memory. I always tell myself, and others, to write it down while still in your grasp.

By practicing these exercises and techniques, you can strengthen your intuition and develop your spiritual gifts. Remember to be patient and trust the process, as developing your intuition is a skill that takes time and practice.

Strengthening Spiritual Gifts


One way to strengthen your intuition is through meditation. It doesn’t matter how you meditate, so much as finding what works for you and finding a way to fit it in. Even for five minutes. Everyone is different. Some prefer guided meditation and others, silence. Find what fits and works for you. For many people, walking in nature is a form of meditation. Spending time meditating can help you hear and interpret messages from your intuition. It helps you become more aware of what you can sense with your five conventional senses and can raise your sensitivity to your sixth sense.

By quieting the mind and focusing on your breath, you can tune into your inner guidance and increase your awareness of the subtle energy fields around you. Regular meditation practice can help to clear blockages and increase your overall spiritual awareness.

Energy Work Can Increase Your Spiritual Connection and Intuition

If you are looking to strengthen your spiritual connection and increase your intuition, energy work can be a powerful tool. Energy work involves working with the subtle energy fields that surround and permeate your body. By working with these energy fields, you can clear blockages, balance your energy centers, and increase your overall spiritual awareness.

In my 30 + years of personal and professional experience, giving and receiving regular energy work is probably the single most powerful way to develop and deepen your intuition and spiritual gifts.

These are by no means the only modalities, just some that I used both personally and professionally. Do you have a personal favorite? If so, list it below in the comment section.


One of the most effective forms of energy work is Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that involves the transfer of energy from the practitioner to the recipient. During a Reiki session, the practitioner places their hands on or near the recipient's body, allowing the energy to flow through them and into the recipient. This can help to clear blockages, balance the energy centers, and increase spiritual awareness.

Sound Healing

Various techniques from music, and crystal bowls to tuning forks can be included under this umbrella. It can release negative energy and replenish it with a more positive feeling.


Another effective form of energy work is crystal healing. Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing properties. Each crystal has its own unique energy and can be used to balance and align the energy centers in the body. By placing crystals on or near the body, you can help to clear blockages and increase spiritual awareness.

Chakra Healing

Within our body are centers of energy that absorb all our experiences, thoughts, and feelings. I have always felt like chakra healing felt like my entire body, mind and spirit received a tune-up.

In addition to these practices, there are many other forms of energy work that can help to increase your spiritual connection and intuition. Some of these include yoga, tai chi, and qigong. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can begin to tap into your inner wisdom and increase your spiritual awareness.

Gratitude Can Open Your Access to Divine Channel

One of the most effective ways to strengthen and increase your intuition and spiritual gifts is through gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful energy that can open your access to divine channeling and help you connect with your higher self.

When you cultivate gratitude, you create a positive vibration that attracts more positive experiences and opportunities into your life. By focusing on the good things you already have, you align yourself with the energy of abundance and attract more of it into your life.

Expressing gratitude can also help you stay present and mindful, which is essential for developing your intuition. When you are fully present in the moment, you are more attuned to the subtle signals and messages from the universe.

To cultivate gratitude, you can start by keeping a gratitude journal. Every day, write down three things you are grateful for. These can be big or small things, such as a beautiful sunset, a kind word from a friend, or a comfortable bed to sleep in.

You can also create a gratitude practice. This entails that every morning or evening you take a few minutes to express gratitude. You can also use guided gratitude meditations. I have created several different morning and evening gratitude videos to help you with creating this practice.

You can also practice gratitude by saying thank you more often. When someone does something nice for you, take a moment to express your gratitude. This not only makes the other person feel good, but it also helps you cultivate a positive mindset.

Finally, you can use gratitude as a tool for accessing divine channeling. When you are in a state of gratitude, you are more open and receptive to the messages and guidance from the universe. You can use this energy to connect with your higher self or to receive messages from your spirit guides.

Gratitude is a powerful tool for strengthening and increasing your intuition and spiritual gifts. By cultivating gratitude, you can create a positive vibration that attracts more positive experiences into your life and helps you stay present and mindful. Use gratitude as a tool for accessing divine channeling and connecting with your higher self.

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How to Raise Your Vibration

Raising your vibration is essential to strengthening and increasing your intuition and spiritual gifts. Here are a few tips to help you raise your vibration:

  • Practice gratitude: Take a moment to appreciate the things around you. Focus on the good things in your life and express gratitude for them. This will help you attract positive energy and raise your vibration.

  • Meditate: Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you connect with your intuition and raise your vibration. Find a quiet and peaceful place to meditate, and focus on your breath. This will help you calm your mind and increase your awareness.

  • Surround yourself with positive energy: Spend time with people who uplift you and make you feel good. Avoid negative people and situations that drain your energy.

  • Practice self-care: Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This includes eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, and doing things that make you happy.

  • Connect with nature: Spend time in nature and connect with the earth. This will help you ground yourself and raise your vibration.

Remember, raising your vibration is a process that takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and keep practicing these tips to strengthen and increase your intuition and spiritual gifts.

How to Raise the Vibration of Your Home

Your home is a reflection of your energy and can impact your intuition and spiritual gifts. Here are a few ways to raise the vibration of your home:

  • De-clutter: Removing unnecessary items and organizing your space can help clear your mind and create a more peaceful environment.

  • Let in the Light! Allow sunlight and fresh air to permeate your home. Open the blinds and drapes. Many don’t realize how keeping the sunlight and air out of the home can be depressing, oppressive, and of lower the vibrational energy.

  • Use Candles: Candles emit positive energy and attract specific energies based on color. Choose candles that resonate with you and your intentions.

  • Art: Beautiful art that speaks to you, inspires you, and beautifies your home can raise the vibration of the room it’s in.

  • Add Plants and flowers: Plants help purify the air and add life to your home. Choose plants that resonate with you and your energy. Be mindful of what you bring into your home, as some common plants and flowers can be toxic to your pets.

  • Cleanse with Essential Oils: I know many people enjoy the ancient practice of burning sage or incense can help clear negative energy and create a more positive environment, but personally, I prefer using a diffuser that emits very beautiful and very clearing oils in a safer manner. I make a special blend of lavender, rose, and a little sandalwood. Or sometimes I am able to find the ancient oil blend that the church uses, and I find that very cleansing.

  • Play Music: Music can uplift your mood and raise the energy of your home. Choose music that isn’t dark or heavy. Save that for another time. Choose lighter, positive music that resonates with you and your intentions.

  • Crystals: Crystals are not only beautiful, but they can also create energy within your home that elevates it’s vibration.

By implementing these practices, you can raise the vibration of your home and create a more positive environment for yourself and those around you.

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Raise Your Vibration to Become More Intuitive

Surround Yourself with Positive Energy

The people and things you surround yourself with can affect your vibration. Surround yourself with positive people who uplift and inspire you. Fill your home with things that bring you joy and make you feel good.

Learn to Love Yourself

Forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others, kindness, self-love, and building your self-esteem is a very important parts of raising your vibration. How you talk to yourself and to others. Letting go of the unimportant things that keep us stuck and angry.

Self-help books, podcasts, therapy/counseling, and life coaching can all be tools on this essential healing journey.

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Nature Makes Us More Psychic

Spending time in nature is a great way to strengthen your intuition and psychic abilities. When you are surrounded by natural elements, you can tap into the energy of the earth and elements, which can give your intuition a boost. Here are some ways nature can help you develop your psychic abilities:

  • Listening to nature: When you spend time in nature, you can practice listening to the sounds of the environment with intention. Try to tune in to the different sounds around you, such as the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, or the sound of water flowing. By doing this, you can become more aware of your surroundings and develop a deeper connection with nature.

  • Grounding: Grounding is the practice of connecting with the earth's energy. When you are grounded, you feel more centered and balanced. Spend some time walking barefoot on grass or dirt, or sit with your back against a tree. This can help you feel more connected to the earth and can enhance your psychic abilities.

  • Meditation in nature: Practicing meditation in nature can help you develop your psychic abilities by allowing you to tap into your spiritual core. Find a quiet spot in nature and sit down comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Allow yourself to become aware of the energy around you. This can help you develop your intuition and psychic abilities.

Overall, spending time in nature can help you develop your psychic abilities and strengthen your intuition. By listening to nature, grounding yourself, and meditating in natural surroundings, you can become more in tune with the energy around you and develop a deeper connection with the earth.

Overcoming Obstacles in Intuition Development

Developing intuition is not always an easy process. There may be obstacles that you encounter along the way. However, with patience and determination, you can overcome these obstacles and continue to strengthen your intuition.


One of the biggest obstacles to intuition development is resistance. Resistance can come in many forms, such as skepticism or doubt. You may find yourself questioning whether your intuition is real or simply your imagination.

To overcome resistance, it is important to trust yourself and your intuition. Start by acknowledging any doubts or skepticism you may have. Then, realize that divine information will feel like your imagination at first. Try to let go of these doubts, and in time, you will recognize the difference.


Stress can also hinder intuition development. When you are stressed, it can be difficult to quiet your mind and listen to your intuition.

To overcome stress, try practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Self-care, such as massage, energy work, or exercise, especially in nature. These techniques can help calm your mind and reduce stress levels, allowing you to better connect with your intuition.


Anxiety can also be an obstacle to intuition development. When you are anxious, it can be difficult to tune in to your intuition.

To overcome anxiety, try to identify the source of your anxiety and address it directly. You may also find it helpful to practice mindfulness techniques, such as focusing on your breath or practicing gratitude. These techniques can help you stay present and calm, allowing you to better access your intuition.

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Maintaining Your Intuition and Spiritual Gifts

Here are some tips to help you maintain your intuition and spiritual gifts:

Take Care of Your Health

Your physical and mental health can greatly impact your ability to tap into your intuition and spiritual gifts. Make sure to prioritize your health by eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. Additionally, consider incorporating meditation or mindfulness practices into your routine to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Cultivate Peace and Harmony

Creating a peaceful and harmonious environment can help you maintain your intuition and spiritual gifts. Surround yourself with positive people and energies, and try to avoid negative influences. Consider incorporating practices such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong to help balance your energy and promote inner peace.

Foster Creativity

Engaging in creative activities can help you tap into your intuition and spiritual gifts. Consider exploring activities such as painting, writing, or playing music. These activities can help you access your subconscious mind and connect with your intuition on a deeper level.

Pay Attention to Your Vibration

Your vibration, or the energy you emit, can greatly impact your ability to tap into your intuition and spiritual gifts. Make sure to pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and actions, and strive to maintain a positive and high vibration. This can help you attract positive energies and experiences into your life.

Get Regular Energywork

Receiving regular energy work can keep your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body clear, and can help you deepen your understanding and connection to your intuition and spiritual gifts.

Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present and connected to your intuition and spiritual gifts. Consider incorporating practices such as meditation, deep breathing, or journaling into your routine to help you stay grounded and focused.

By following these tips, you can maintain your intuition and spiritual gifts and continue to grow and develop in your spiritual journey.

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If you have found my work helpful in navigating these challenging and chaotic times with the help of the divine realms and angels, I would greatly appreciate your support. Sharing my work with others who may benefit from it is a wonderful way to help me reach more people and spread the message of self-care and spiritual growth.

In addition, if you are able to make a donation, it would be a tremendous help in allowing me to continue creating content. Your support allows me to dedicate more time and energy to my work, and helps me to cover the costs associated with running my website and creating videos.

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